Anthony Brian Logan’s YouTube Salary Demystified (Take a closer look)

Anthony Brian Logan or ABL is a conservative political commentator best known for his You Tube content. His videos are often political commentaries but he also does general news commentaries. He manages to fuse entertainment and sometimes, hard-hitting current affairs matters.

Let’s have a look at how much Anthony Brian Logan makes on YouTube.

AdSense – We estimate that Anthony Brian Logan currently makes $96.3 annually from AdSense.

Patreon account- Anthony Brian Logan brings in an estimated $154k annually from his Patreon account.

YouTube memberships – Anthony Brian Logan makes $38.8k annually from YouTube memberships

Expenses – Anthony Brian Logan uses approximately 20% of their annual expenses leaving $123.3k liable for taxes.

Taxes – Anthony Brian Logan pays about $20,697 for Federal tax, $9,433 for FICA tax. This means that they takes home $93.2k per year.

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