In Preparation for Yud Shvat 5783 we are learning the corresponding chapter 13 in the original maamar from the Frierdikke Rebbe and Chassidus from the Rebbe on that chapter.

In this first class of the four part series, we discuss the background of the original maamar from the Frierdikke Rebbe in 5710/1950, summarize the first 12 chapters of that original maamar, and and learn Chapter 13.

The following 3 classes will focus on the Rebbe’s Chassidus on this chapter.

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0:00 Introduction and background of Bossi L’Gani 5710
2:23 Frierdikke Rebbe vs. The Rebbe on Bossi L’Gani
5:43 Summary of Bossi L’Gani 5710 Chapters 1-10
6:05 “MY garden”
7:01 Did Moshiach not get the memo??
10:48 Sacrifices: symbolism and message
16:43 Being “not normal” – in a good way
20:09 A Sanctuary built from lies??
21:27 Chapter 11: Whose job is it?
23:02 The army vs. the King
24:20 How far will the King go to win?
25:31 The objective vs. the primal drive
26:45 How far is Hashem prepared to go for Dirah b’tachtonim?
27:12 Chapter 12: Hashem’s invaluable treasure
28:26 Chapter 13: Divine Light in the depths of darkness
32:13 Atzilus vs. BY”A
37:48 soul & body vs. clothing: different kinds of keilim
40:26 the beginning of darkness: the world of Briah
42:56 Everyone is at risk of forgetting about Hashem

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